We will discuss several common eye conditions in dogs, including allergies, infection, and corneal ulcers.

Allergies can result in clear, serous discharge from the eyes and mild redness on the sclera (the white part of the eye). Usually these signs are seen bilaterally. A dog may paw at his or her eyes frequently to itch them, similar to how we itch our eyes when dealing with environmental allergies. Unfortunately, allergies are difficult to cure since it is hard to pinpoint exactly what the culprit is within the environment. However, there are medications that your pet’s veterinarian may prescribe to provide some relief.
An eye infection is usually bacterial in nature and will cause green-yellow discharge from the affected eye. This clinical sign is referred to as conjunctivitis. Infections can arise from close contact with another pet, a foreign object within the eye, or immunosuppression. It is common to see redness and squinting in some cases as well as frequent pawing.
Corneal ulcers are the most severe of these issues, and they can result in extensive damage to the eye if not treated promptly. Sometimes a foreign object can penetrate the corneal epithelium and expose the underlying tissue layer. These can also develop from scratches on the cornea that continue to worsen. The eye can be stained with an eye-safe fluorescent dye to check for scratches and ulcers. Your veterinarian may prescribe topical and oral medications if an ulcer is diagnosed. If left untreated, the eye can worsen and may require surgery.
If you are concerned about an eye problem in your dog, it is best to schedule a visit to see your veterinarian. He or she can perform testing and determine an appropriate treatment to help your pup feel better!